API Reference

API Reference

Fetch options

All Regular fetch options are supported as is, with only body extended to support more types.

  • body: Optional body of the request, can be an object or any other supported body type.

  • query: Query parameters to append to the URL.

  • auth: Authorization header value.

  • bodySerializer: Custom function to serialize the body object into a string.

  • responseParser: Custom function to parse the response string into an object.

  • resultMode: Mode of the result, can influence how results are handled or returned. (default: "all")

  • cancelRedundantRequests: If true, cancels previous unfinished requests to the same URL. (default: true)

  • baseURL: Base URL to be prepended to all request URLs.

  • timeout: Request timeout in milliseconds.

  • defaultErrorMessage: Default error message to use if none is provided from a response. (default: "Failed to fetch data from server!")

  • throwOnError: If true or the function returns true, throws errors instead of returning them.

  • responseType: Expected response type, affects how response is parsed. (default: "json")

  • retries: Number of retry attempts for failed requests. (default: 0)

  • retryDelay: Delay between retries in milliseconds. (default: 500)

  • retryCodes: HTTP status codes that trigger a retry. (default: [409, 425, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504])

  • retryMethods: HTTP methods that are allowed to retry. (default: ["GET", "POST"])

  • meta: An optional field that can contain additional information about a request, which could be helpful in differentiating between different requests in a shared interceptor.

  • onRequest: Interceptor called just before the request is made, allowing for modifications or additional operations.

  • onRequestError: Interceptor called when an error occurs during the fetch request.

  • onResponse: Interceptor called when a successful response is received from the API.

  • onResponseError: Interceptor called when an error response is received from the API.


callApi.create(options): Creates an instance of callApi with shared base configurations. callApi.cancel(url: string): Cancels an ongoing request to the specified URL.

Utility Functions

  • isHTTPError: Type guard for if an error is an HTTPError

  • isHTTPErrorInstance: Type guard for if an error is an instance of HTTPError. Useful for when throwAllErrors option is set to true

  • toQueryString: Converts an object to a URL query string